Top 25 Immigrant Awards
July 4, 2019 – Thank you again to everyone (and RBC and Canadian Immigrant magazine) for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity!! It was so incredibly humbling to meet all the other amazing recipients of the Top 25 Immigrant Awards in Vancouver last night. I so love our country. Despite our diverse colours, cultural background and history, we share a common heart to make our world a better place. (Loved being able to hang out with my sis and niece too).

July 26, 2019 – I was in awe last night in Vancouver to see the energy, spirit and passion of so many amazing Vietnamese youth from across North America. They all are already working towards building a better future for all of us, and I could not be more proud. Thank you again, Minh-Thu Ta and Van and your whole amazing team for the honour to be a part of the Union of North American Vietnamese Student Association conference